Jacqueline is a modern mystic with inherited and developed psychic and spiritual sensitivities. She is esteemed internationally for providing trustworthy, grounded support with integrity, profound insight, and unique perspectives. She has dedicated her service to numerous organizations and thousands of individuals for more than three decades with an eclectic repertoire blending new and ancient philosophies and practices with her loving and down-to-earth approach to ignite and enhance other's journeys towards wholeness and fulfillment. 

Jacqueline has devoted her life to healing, learning, and the service of others. The heart of her teaching is born from her own experiences. With confidence and clarity, she knows how to lead others on their path, believing he best help we can get is from those who know the way forward because they've walked the road from confusion to clarity, through darkness into light.

"Saying yes, opening up, and loving; these are the keys that will unlock the prison door."                                                                                                                       ~ Arnaud Dejardin

A life-long metaphysician, Jacqueline began formal spiritual training at the age of 15 and working in the field of complimentary medicine at age 21.  In her lifelong career, alongside her private practice in holistic therapies, she has been instrumental in establishing, operating, and assisting numerous centers and communities for holistic healing and spiritual development. Her qualifications include ministerial ordination, degrees in metaphysical sciences, and a broad spectrum of certifications and diplomas in holistic, therapeutic modalities. As a counselor and guide for individuals, couples, and families, she's delivered over ten thousand sessions, to people of all walks of life on their journey's toward's their heart's wholeness. As a minister and ceremonialist, it's been her joy to walk many forward on the path of union with self, each other, and The Divine. 

Born in Alaska and widely travelled, she's now at home in the bucolic Cotswolds of England. When not working, she can be found rambling about nature, exploring ancient sites, questing for the presence of beauty, and curling up with good books and the company of magnificently adored cats. 

©2013-2025 Jacqueline René. Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, U.K. All rights reserved.