Jacqueline's Holistic Self-Repair Shop

Feeling a little clunky, shaky, out-of-aligment, or stuck-in-a-rut? Why not let your spirit drive your lovely human vehicle straight to the best little self-repair shop around?!
Weekly 1-Hour Online Zoom Meetings
7:00 p.m. UK / 11:00 a.m. Pacific / Noon Mountain / 1:00 pm. Central / 2:00 p.m. Eastern.
Hello, You Gorgeous Being So Worthy Of Your Most Glorious Life,
We are each beautifully unique individuals with unique life circumstances, yet most of us share similar challenges and problematic experiences in our relationship with ourselves and others. Few of us received the support we needed in our early development for arriving in adulthood with and understanding, caring for, and meeting of our feelings and needs. Healing is, in part, learning how to straighten out our inner-mechanical human energy, psychological, and emotional systems for better functioning.
Jacqueline, after more than three decades in service to helping others with their healing journeys, opens her Holistic Self-Repair Shop so you can stop in for a peek into the pages of your human mind-body-emotion-spirit blueprint and receive information to identify the workings of functional systems.
Gain access to tools for repairing and upgrading your internal wiring towards higher functioning, health, and happiness in your relationship with yourself and others.
Bring your sweet self in to the shop to work on:
- Self-Love
- Self-reparenting
- Healing communication and relating skills
- Safety for emotional intimacy
- Trauma repair
- Self-regulating and self-soothing
- Freedom from co-dependant behaviours
- Healthy boundaries
- Healthy empowerment
Each week, Jacqueline presents a mini-masterclass on a particular topic with tools for practice. Participants bring questions and situations of concern to receive communication modelling and support to assist their repatterning.
This group will be held in the utmost safety for all attending. Participants can join the call on video or anonymously off-screen. These live sessions are not available as recordings to participants. Note taking is encouraged.
Who this group is for: Anyone ready to compassionately walk the journey toward becoming an emotional and psychological grownup and kind parent to their inner children, and those ready to take responsibility for their life's creation and claim their power to create a life reflective of their integrity, values, and heart's desires.
If you haven't met with Jacqueline before, she requests you first have a 10-minute call or text conversation with her to ensure this gathering is the best fit for you. Do you feel you have the basics under your belt with regard to recovery and inner-inquiry self-awareness work? Jacqueline will help you decide, and if needed, help you find a better spot for support.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. If you're ready to stop in, you're invited to register via the online booking system.
What's the cost to attend this enlivening change-your-life masterclass? - 1 Stop-in-the-Shop: £36
- 1 Month Package (4 consecutive sessions): £30 weekly
- 3 month package (12 consecutive sessions) £27 weekly
A special combo-rate is offered for those who wish to become members of both Jacqueline's Holistic Self-Repair Shop AND Stellar Tribe of £99 monthly - a 40% discount. Be in touch if you want more info.
Note: I require at least 5 participants to open shop, If within 24 hours of opening, there are less than 5 signed on, the session will be cancelled. If you've paid for a 1 Stop, and the meeting is cancelled, you can receive a refund or roll payment toward the next meeting you can attend. If you've paid for a package, we'll roll your payment toward the next meeting you attend.
If you haven't met with Jacqueline before, she requests you first have a 10-minute call or text conversation with her to ensure this gathering is the best fit for you. Do you feel you have the basics under your belt with regard to recovery and inner-inquiry self-awareness work? Jacqueline will help you decide, and if needed, help you find a better spot for support.
- 1 Stop-in-the-Shop: £36
- 1 Month Package (4 consecutive sessions): £30 weekly
- 3 month package (12 consecutive sessions) £27 weekly
Let's help you get in the driver's seat and drive forward into your wonderful new life.
©2013-2025 Jacqueline René. Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, U.K. All rights reserved.