Winter Solstice Ceremonial Blessing Event 

Welcoming the Return of the Sun 

A live, online Zoom event 
(or receive the recording afterward) 
December 21, 2021
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. GMT London 
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. California 
 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST New York 
calculate your time zone here

Join our love-filled community for a live, one-hour, online Winter Solstice ceremonial activation and celebration to welcome the return of the light.  

Our presenters are teachers and healing facilitators with unique experiences and knowledge from many different paths of spiritual awareness. Together we weave a creation of magical light and blessings from a variety of ancient and modern traditions for you to partake in.  All are welcome. 
(Under 18's require a guardian's presence or written permission.) 

During this one-hour sacred experience, as a participant, our presenters will inspire and guide you through the event with the inclusion of ecstatic poetry, invocations of divinity, transmissions of light energies, purification, blessings, and a candle lighting ritual from ancient traditions. 
You'll enter the call off-microphone muted with the option to be on or off camera. You'll not be required to speak, yet your focused presence will be a blessed contribution. 
The event will be recorded. If you cannot attend the live call, you are welcome to register with the option to be placed on the list to receive the recording after the event. 

Your Presenters

Jacqueline Kahn~ Metaphysical Minister, Holistic Healing Facilitator, Spiritual Guide
Felicity Claire Argent~ Sister of the Iceni Tribe, Energy Therapy Practitioner and Educator
Adam Sibalik~ Energy Alchemist, Spiritual Healing Practitioner
Leila Kimiai-Nia~ Energy Healing Practitioner
Aly Cunynghame~ Intuitive Healing Practitioner and Reader

Love donations are appreciated, not required. 

 Register with the form below to receive the Zoom event joining link via email. 

Winter Solstice Ceremony USD

Winter Solstice Ceremony USD

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Winter Solstice Event GPB

Winter Solstice Event GPB

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Register for the Winter Solstice Event

I can't make the live call time. Please place me on the list to receive the recording of the event. Thank you.

I am 18 Years of age or older

©2013-2023 Jacqueline Kahn. Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, U.K. All rights reserved.