The Magic of Solstice
This particular Solstice differs from what we’ve ever experienced. It is a portal offering a miraculous leap from one world to another.
Prepare yourself by contemplating or writing down all that you are ready to release from your patterning, beliefs, and the effects of your history; all that interferes with your highest light life.
Then, look at and feel your greatest possibilities for joy and living the light you are on Earth and in life. Claim it. Imagine what could be possible. Anchor into that as a vibration. Feel it. Allow it to happen for you.
When you reach that point of the Winter Solstice, you can take off the clothing of the past self's experiences with all of those old beliefs and say, "Yes!" as you walk through the magical door of the solstice to the path of the highest potential for you.
Call upon support from your spiritual allies to make the magnificent leap.

Celebrating Winter Solstice
The Return of The Light
Winter Solstice begins the moment The Sun enters the constellation of Capricorn.
At this time, the Earth's axis is tilted the farthest away from the sun, causing the sun to be at its lowest point in the sky. For the northern hemisphere, this results in the shortest day and longest night of the year.
The origins of word ‘solstice’ is from the Latin sol (the Sun) and sistere (to stand still). Symbolic of rebirth, the Sun’s light has reached its lowest point. From this day on, light begins increasing again. This is when we may celebrate the return of the light of The Sun.
The winter solstice has influenced cultures and customs for thousands of years. Celebrated as Yule in Scandinavia, Yalda in Persia to celebrate the victory of light over dark and the birthday of the sun god Mithra, Saturnalia in Ancient Rome, Soyal of the Hopi to welcome the kachinas, Inti Raymi, to honour the Sun God in Peru, and the Dongzhi Festival in East Asia, just to name a few. The origins of Christmas are mingled with some of these ancient and pagan celebrations.
This time of Winter Solstice invites you to release the old from 2024 and set fresh intentions for 2025. Here is Winter Solstice ritual, if you’d like to participate. Feel free to share this with others (please kindly give credit to its source.)
7-Day Blessings of Solstice Light Exercise
Preparation: Have 7 new candles available of any type, shape, size, and colour of your choice, with at least one white candle to start with.
Choose one location in your home where you will light all of your candles, one each for 7 days.
Begin Saturday 21st December
(any time of the day is fine, and if you wish to be exact):
ALASKA: 12:20 a.m.
PACIFIC: 1:20 a.m.
MOUNTAIN: 2:20 a.m.
CENTRAL: 3:20 a.m.
EASTERN: 4:20 a.m.
UK & PORTUGAL: 9:20 a.m.
At the time of your choosing
1.Call upon The Golden and any other spiritual beings of light, as you wish.
2. Light one white candle for 'The Spirit of Divine, Blessed Lovelight.'
3. Say within or out loud:
“I am Divine Light, here now, blessed and a blessing.
I am Divine Light here now, blessed and a blessing.
I am Divine Light here now, blessed and a blessing.
I am The Miracle of Love’s Light.
I am The Miracle of Love's Light.
I am The Miracle of Love's Light."
4. Add to this the naming of any sacred presence(s) you feel and wish to welcome.
5. Spend a few moments attuning and communing with The Sacred Presence. Dedicate your intention to this presence and ask for your candle to keep the flame of this power alight for you. If it's safe to do so, leave your candle burning until it expires, or for as long as you wish. Repeat the exercise until 7 days are completed, at a time of your choosing, lighting a new candle of any colour for each day.