Stellar Tribe Gold Star Membership Agreements and Guidelines of Care

Stellar Tribe's Primary Intention
Stellar Tribe is a heart-centred community of like-spirited individuals dedicated to personally evolving and spiritually awakening to our best potential, together inspiring the world to greater love.
Our Values
Together we live the values of kindness, acceptance, receptivity, humility, and respect, with love for ourselves, each other, and our beautiful planet.
Gold Star is Core Star
Gold Star members are the core group of Stellar Tribe. With direct access to The Golden and a dedication to work with the materials given, we've signed on for supporting one another to become the most stellar of humans we can be, working with divine energies to make a difference for all humanity. We know we're powerful individually and together. We're here to wake up and shine and to help receptive others do so, too!
Weekly Transmission of Guided Journey & Messages
Gold Star members receive a weekly email containing messages from The Golden, a guided journey, and supportive additions. As a Gold Star member, you accept the following 3 agreements:
1. Listen to the guided journey at least once (approximately 15-30 minutes in length)
2. Listen to or read the transmitted messages from The Golden at least once. (approximately 20 minutes of listening or 2-3 pages to read)
3. View the content of your Stellar Radiance email at least once, to ensure you're updated with news and requests.
Regarding additional sections of the email, such as exercises and homework prompts, unless specifically requested, your level of engagement is up to you.
Weekly Online Meetings
You are invited to a one-hour live Zoom gathering with your Stellar Tribe for study, exploration, and engagement with Jacqueline and The Golden. Membership does not require attendance at the live meeting. Some members live in time zones or have working hours excluding their attendance at the live meetings.
A follow-up email is sent to all Gold Star members after the live meeting with access to the audio and video recordings. If you were unable to attend, you agree to
Listen to or watch the recording of the Stellar Tribe live meeting at least once
You also agree to
Inform us of your default attendance position for the live meeting.
Your default choices are ‘attending’ or ‘not attending.’
The default choice of ATTENDING our live meetings: Inform us in advance, via email or Telegram, when you’ll be absent from a meeting. The reason for your absence is not required.
The default choice of NOT ATTENDING our live meetings: Inform us in advance, via email or Telegram, of those special times we’ll receive the blessing of your attendance. If you’re available at the last minute, simply hop on the call.
Our live, interactive meetings provide an opportunity to engage with Jacqueline & The Golden and receive community connection and healing energies. Please review your weekly transmission before our meeting and come prepared to engage with The Golden for Q & A time.
Our meetings offer the practice of consciously generating positive frequencies, energy hygiene, and psychic responsibility by learning to create and hold high vibratory states of being. Whatever energy you bring impacts the collective energy for our gathering and each individual. Perfection is not required. Acceptance and non-judgment are encouraged as a practice for all members. If you’re not feeling superb, it's best to start by bringing kindness and loving care to yourself and your state of being, as you are. Be sweet with yourself, and practice presence by dropping from your mind into your heart. This will immediately begin to lift your energy. Some of our tribe members are exceptionally psychically sensitive and will be very grateful for your attempts of caring mindfulness of your energy.
Stellar Tribe Telegram Chat
Honouring connection is an essential and valued element of our Stellar Tribe. Our free Stellar Tribe Telegram chat provides us with a location for connection between meetings for sharing important membership information; personal reports, ideas, offerings, questions, and requests. We ask that you:
Join our Telegram chat and check your Stellar Tribe Telegram at least once per week.
Read the posts, say hello, share inspiration, ask questions, or simply reply to a text with an emoji so we know you're with us. You'll find the link for joining the Telegram chat on your Stellar Radiance email.
To minimize information overload, we aim to keep our posts brief and relevant to our Stellar Tribe intentions and activities. You’re not expected to text reply to everything. Very brief voice notes and emoji replies are welcome, too.
Other than gratitude, birthdays, congratulations, and well-wishes, we ask all posts to be directed to the entire tribe. If you wish to converse with an individual member, you may ask permission to direct message them.
Our Stellar Tribe Telegram chat, in general, is not a location for individual self-promotion. We’d love to celebrate your milestones with you, so please share. If you have services or opportunities that you feel other members will benefit from, we welcome this. If you’re unsure if something is appropriate to post, please ask Jacqueline or the Stellar Team. If you’re unfamiliar with messaging applications such as Telegram, our Stellar Team will happily assist you.
Good Morning, Magnificence! Prayer & Praise
Unless requested otherwise, all Stellar Tribe members' names are automatically included on our List of Light for our 'Good Morning, Magnificence!' Telegram prayer channel, where Jacqueline and Stellar Friends offer once-per-day moments of Life-praising positive prayer and invocation.
Though not required, we welcome you to include this daily work in your spiritual routine. Listen to the brief prayer, tune in, and add your unique, fine energies as a lightworker to support our intentions and requests for others' fulfilment and healing. We know that prayer and gratitude as a practice improve the well-being of both sender and recipient.
You are invited to submit additional prayer requests for yourself or any person or circumstance to receive divinely loving support and positive energies. Gold Star Stellar Tribe members are offered the special invitation to place a family member, companion, and/or pet on our list to remain on the list throughout your membership or as long as desired (prayer and fulfilment requests otherwise remain on the list for one week, requiring resubmission each week for extending time). to enter long-term request to our list, when submitting your prayer request to the online form, simply include a note saying: "ONGOING, PLEASE."
Support for Daily Spiritual Care and Routine Development
Would you appreciate support in making your practice and discovery a priority? We offer the following optional light and fun opportunities:
1. Stellar One's Practice & Play and Meditation Selection are sections in your Stellar Radiance weekly email. There you will find journal prompts, exercises and brief mediations suited for all learning styles. Perfection is not required. Play!
2. Golden ST-Heart Telegram Group for supporting ourselves and each other with routine accountability. Some of our members are grateful to share with the simple act of posting a golden heart emoji, and more, each time we enter into practice with one of our guided journeys, a daily mediation, or other tuning-in practices. Joining is optional. Let us know if you’d like to meet us there.
Personalized Audio Recordings from The Golden
You’ll find a section in your Stellar Radiance email titled ‘Direct Message to You from The Golden.’ To aid and accelerate your spiritual and personal development, you’re invited to receive guidance directly from The Golden through Jacqueline’s channelling as a 15-minute audio recording, discounted for Stellar Tribe members at the rate of £33. Simply click the button to book your channelled message and your audio recording will be sent to you privately via the Telegram app within the week.
Gold Star Membership Fees & Holidays
First Timers: An introduction to a week of Stellar Tribe is offered as a gift. Tell your friends about us, please
Membership Subscriptions: Subscriptions are set to auto-renew at the end of your weekly subscription term.
Membership Cancellations: Your auto-renewal can be cancelled by contacting with your request. Please make clear in your cancellation request your intended date for your Stellar Tribe membership exit. If you wish to leave Stellar Tribe before completing your payment subscription end date, we do not offer reimbursement for the unused portion of your subscription. The moment you exit your membership with Stellar Tribe, even if this precedes the end of your payment subscription, you forego access to all membership privileges until you resubscribe and rejoin Stellar Tribe.
Holiday Pauses: our subscriptions include sabbatical and holiday break times for Jacqueline and the Stellar Team. During holiday pauses, the weekly meeting will be halted and your Stellar Radiance email may have altered content while transmissions are on pause. The Telegram and ST-Heart groups are still active, as is our Good Morning Magnificence! Prayer and Praise channel with you as an included daily recipient.
Your Responsibility to Yourself
You are safe. You are responsible. You are ready.
You agree to take full responsibility for your experience with Jacqueline or any practitioner who operates in conjunction or as a representative of Jacqueline. You acknowledge and agree that you assume the risks associated with any and all activities, offerings, products, services, classes and/or programs in which you participate or purchase. You forever release, discharge, and hold harmless from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising out of or connected with your participation in a session or purchase or any program, without limitation.
You understand Jacqueline is not a legal advisor, licensed medical doctor or psychotherapist. She does not diagnose or treat illnesses, or prescribe or adjust medication. In no way does any associate of or team member in connection with Jacqueline, provide legal or medical advice.
Your privacy is important to us. We honour your privacy and ask all members to be careful of honouring other members' privacy. You are not to share Stellar Tribe emails, videos, or recordings with non-members without explicit permission from Jacqueline.
That's what it's all about!